Best Deals for High Holidays 5785 from ChiTribe

High Holiday Deals ChiTribe

As the High Holidays of 5785 approach, finding affordable and meaningful services can be a challenge. ChiTribe has compiled the best deals across Chicago for a range of denominations and service styles. Whether you’re looking for a traditional Orthodox experience, a relaxed Reform service, or something in between, there’s a place for everyone. Most of these organizations are also willing to work with individuals who need financial assistance, so feel free to reach out directly if cost is a concern.

This “Special Best Deals Guide” is Written by Matt Weil, ChiTribe Board and Calendar Manager

Reform, Best Deal in Town: Temple Sholom

temple sholom high holidays ChiTribe

Cost: $80 for non-members ages 21-35 ($300 for non-members 36+)

Services Offered: Rosh Hashana Eve (RHE), Rosh Hashana Day 1 (RH1), Rosh Hashana Day 2 (RH2), Kol Nidre (KN), Yom Kippur (YK)

Additional Perks: Includes a Kol Nidre dinner (valued at $50)

Conservative: Anshe Emet

Cost: $154 for non-members ages 22-36 ($1600 for non-members 37+)

Services Offered: RHE, RH1, RH2, KN, YK

Unique Features: Tefilla Yoga and a recorded conversation with author Dara Horn during Yom Kippur Break

[Virtual] Conservative: Central Synagogue of Chicago

Cost: Online access available with a contribution of any amount

Services Offered: RH1, RH2, KN, YK

Format: Online only

Orthodox, Best Inclusive Deal: Anshe Sholom B’nai Israel 20s & 30s

Cost: $440 for non-members

Services Offered: RHE, RH1, RH2, KN, YK

Additional Features: Mikvah available before Kol Nidre ($25 for males) and includes Break Fast dinner

Orthodox, Most Efficient: Skokie Valley Agudath Jacob

Services Offered: 1-hour service on RH1 and YK afternoons

Format: Short and sweet, ideal for those with busy schedules

Chabad: Bucktown Wicker Park Chabad Jewish Center

bucktown chabad chitribe high holidays

Cost: $108 suggested donation for adults

Services Offered: RHE, RH1, RH2, KN, YK

Additional Perks: RHE rooftop dinner ($25 additional), RH1 buffet brunch, and Break Fast dinner

Chabad: Shofar Around the Neighborhood

Services Offered: 15-minute outdoor services on RH1 in various locations (Wicker Park, Bucktown, Logan Square, Humboldt Park)

Format: Quick, convenient, and outdoors

Reconstructionist: Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation

jrc high holidays CHiTribe

Cost: $18 for non-members ages 18-36 ($396 for non-members 37+)

Services Offered: RH1, RH2, KN, YK

Unique Feature: Shofar Walk on Rosh Hashana Eve

Jewish Renewal: Makom Shalom Mitziut

Cost: $50 per service, $150 max

Services Offered: RHE, RH1, KN, YK

Additional Perks: Free Yizkor/Mincha/Neilah services followed by a Break Fast buffet

Nichols Park Minyan

RSVPs are very helpful for our planning purposes, but are not required. 

Service Offered: RHE, RH1, KN, YK

Rosh Hashanah morning 2: Friday, October 4, 8:45AM-1:30PM followed by BYO/Potluck picnic lunch

Whether you’re seeking something affordable, spiritual, or both, these options offer a range of experiences to celebrate the High Holidays this year. Check out each organization pages on our website for registration and more details.

All the High Holiday Info on ChiTribe

Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca creates best practices and executes marketing campaigns for Jewish organizations who are trying to reach the next generation of the Jewish community - specifically Millennials and Gen Z - through digital marketing, social media, online and in-person events.

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