Camp Is Worth Cancelling Your Plans

trybal gatherings chitribe

That One Time At Jew Camp…

Camp Is ALWAYS Worth Cancelling Your Plans For! ChiTribe learns more about Trybal Gatherings Wisconsin from the campers themselves.

Maybe you’ve heard of Trybal Gatherings, the hip org that reimagines Jewish festivities in a modern world. Inspired by Birthright alumni and a lifelong passion for camp, Trybal hosts innovative getaways to bring the magic of immersive experiences for young adults closer to home. This May 9-12th in Wisconsin…

Three Chicago campers tell us all!

trybal gatherings chitribe

Name: Sam Getz-Sheftel

Age: 31

Favorite Trybal Activity: Meeting New People

Which Wet Hot American Summer character do you identify with most?

Definitely Coop. I always take the job of making sure everyone is having fun very seriously.

What’s something you tried for the first time at Trybal?

Pickling! I know it’s hard to believe, but despite being a former competitive pickle eater, I had actually never pickled before. I learned that pickles are not only delicious, but they are also really easy to make. 

What makes Trybal different #MaNishtana?

The opportunity to meet new people and make meaningful connections. Even at the best Jewish event, it can be hard to make really meaningful connections with other participants. At camp, I had the opportunity to really connect with all the other “campers”. 

How does going to camp as a grownup compare to when you went as a kid?

Besides the beer and not having to hide my stash of candy at the bottom of my sleeping bag, not much. 

trybal gatherings chitribe

Name: Melanie Beatus

Age: 28

Favorite Trybal activity: SUP Yoga, hands down

How does Trybal compare with other vacations you’ve taken as an adult?

I’ve been on vacations with four different group travel companies, and Trybal is unique. You take a break from thinking for the weekend since the staff seamlessly take you from activity to activity without a hitch. You also do all of the things you already love, but better. 

What’s your favorite camp food/snack/beverage?

Is it socially acceptable to say the Shmaltz beer?! 

What’s one thing you look forward to this May?

It has to be the inflatable obstacle course. I’ve never done one before! 

trybal gatherings chitribe

Name: Rabbi Jeff Stombaugh

Age: 34

Favorite Trybal activity: Camp Shabbat with adults, of course! #rabbi

Which Jewish celebrity would you want to be your camp counselor? 

Seth Rogan 100%. I’d love to have a conversation with him about how he relates to Jewish stuff. And also Jerry Seinfeld, because I know we’d grab a beer and go hang by the lake.

What was unexpected from your last Trybal experience?

Just how thirsty people were to connect with one another. I was also totally blown away by the attention to detail throughout the whole experience and have stayed in touch in the year since. Also unexpected was the balance of down time and adventure. 

RABBI, tell us! What activities are you planning this May? 

I’m excited to mix up Judaism with cocktails through Mixology Theology. I will have a signature drink called “The Rabbi” that we get to design together through some rabbi cocktail action. Overall, I’m excited to have fun with Judaism and put it in motion.


May 9-12 2019 | Wisconsin

Registration ends May 1. Learn more and register at Limited $150 subsidies with code CAMPJUF. For questions, contact

From silent disco to indigo tie-dye, open bar to camp Shabbat, cuddling baby animals at Trybal’s own “Wisconsin State Fair”, and classics like getting camp mail and grilled cheese and tomato soup, this weekend is Chicago’s must-do event to start your summer. Co-hosted with JUF, OneTable, Mishkan, and sponsored by CLIF Bar, Tito’s, JSwipe and more, this relaxing and fun weekend is an opportunity to make meaningful connections within Chicago’s Jewish community.


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Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca creates best practices and executes marketing campaigns for Jewish organizations who are trying to reach the next generation of the Jewish community - specifically Millennials and Gen Z - through digital marketing, social media, online and in-person events.