Meet Amanda Feder, JNFuture Women’s Wine and Paint Night

Amanda Feder JNFuture

Amanda Feder is the co-chair of Chicago’s JNFuture Women’s Wine and Paint Night celebrating women’s month this May 07th at Bottle and Bottega in Lakeview. ChiTribe chatted with Amanda about being involved in Jewish National Fund and Israel.

Tell us about yourself

Well, I didn’t grow up in Chicago. I grew up in Potomac, Maryland and this July will be ten years that I have been in Chicago. I went to the University of Hartford, CT and got my degree in Elementary Special Education Behavioral Studies (I’m very certified) and I have been teaching on the west side of Chicago for ten years as a high school special-education teacher. 

JNFuture Sukkot Chicago

Serving in JNFuture Leadership

When I moved to Chicago, I did not know anyone. I was always trying new things and about six years ago I went to a JNFuture bowling event. I met Dana Randel and she kept inviting me to more events. That year I went to Jewish National Fund’s National Conference in Los Angeles and I was hooked.

I got to see everything that JNF does in Israel and for Israel. It made tangible everything that I value about Israel. I attend National Conference every year and JNFuture Leadership Institute Summit (JLIS) where JNFuture leaders from all over the country come together to help build the movement to support Israel. I’ll say, JNF has provided an opportunity of leadership and networking in ways that other things in my life have not. I have met people from all over the country and, this summer, I am actually chairing a special mission to Israel of American Teachers. The JNF World Educator’s Conference will bring 200+ Educators from all over the world are coming together in Israel, I get to combine my passion for teaching and Israel all at one time. 

Amanda Feder and JNF CEO Russell Robinson

Traveling to Israel with JNFuture

I went on the first JNFuture Volunteer Vacation (August 25th-31st this year). Six month later, I went on the JNFuture Leadership Institute Mission (JLIM) and returned again in 2017 on Jewish National Fund’s Celebration of the 50th Year of the Reunification of Jerusalem. Last year I also chaired the Volunteer Vacation trip helping with recruitment and leading the group in Israel.  The opportunity to go to Israel with JNF is always memorable.

After going to Israel and working with the partners of JNF, I always feel so empowered, invigorated and inspired. I feel like after going to Israel and working with the partners of JNF, I feel like I am walking my talk which is an important value for me when it comes to volunteering and trying to engage others. On top of it, I have met many like minded people from all over the world and made some of my best friends through JNF and traveling to Israel.

Amanda Feder JNF Indoor Playground Sderot

Women’s Month and Jewish National Fund

So, something that I value about Jewish National Fund is that they really value their donors. I am not only part of JNFuture, but I am part of the Women’s Alliance which allows me to be among many wonderful female leaders who support Israel. May is Women’s Month and any donation made during the month of May is matched. To me, it shows the importance of engaging women and encouraging women’s philanthropy. 

JNFuture Chicago is hosting the first ever JNFuture women’s event in the United States. It feels good to be part of the dreamers and go-getters, to have Chicago be the first to host an event that highlights our women donors. By being a JNFuture donor, a Sabra at $360 a year, also makes you part of the JNF Women’s Alliance. I feel like I get to be part of multiple components of JNF, that my voice is being heard in various capacities. 
Women who are passionate about sustaining and growing the state of Israel should come enjoy a fun night of wine and painting, making connections with other young professional women passionate about Israel in Chicago. 

JNFuture Women’s Wine and Paint Night


Join the ladies of JNFuture for an evening of painting, wine, and light bites! JNFuture is a community of young professionals and supporters of Jewish National Fund, ages 22-40, who share a commitment and passion for Israel.

Tuesday May 07, 2019, 6:00pm-9:00pm

Bottle and Bottega Chicago Lakeview

2900 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL


Complimentary for current JNFuture Sabra & Root Society Members

Nonmembers: $40

Join JNFuture’s Sabra or Root Society today for complimentary event admission!

Chairs: Amanda Feder & Rebecca Jones
For More Information

Becky Davidoff, Campaign Executive, JNFuture, Midwest, 847.656.8800,

Facebook Event – JNFuture Women’s Wine and Paint Night

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