Chicago Casting Call for Jewish Extras | FX Fargo Season 4

4starcasting fargo chicago casting call chitribe

Chicago Casting Call for Jewish Extras | FX Fargo Season 4

FX Network‘s Fargo is set to begin filming on October 15 in Chicago and they need Jewish extras! Tracey from 4starcasting, a local Chicago casting agency, reached out to ChiTribe to help spread the word to the community. Since the show is specifically looking for Jewish extras, ChiTribe wanted to learn more! Without giving away too much, Tracey gave us some insight into the casting process. 

Filming Dates: 10/16, 10/17, 10/21 | You do NOT need to be available all dates to work | Location: Chicago

What is the most important thing about casting for scenes like these?
When casting Jewish roles for scenes and shows like this it is extremely important to look and feel as authentic as possible.
What is your best advice for this casting call?
My best advice for an open casting call like this is to upload the best photos possible that represent your own look!
What is the story with Jewish Gangsters and Jewish Shop owners in Kansas City? 
Fargo Season 4 will explore the changeover of the mob in Kansas City in the 1900s, when the Irish took over from Jewish and Italian mafia families.

The Basics of Being an Extra:

  1. Link to sign up in POP to create a profile and audition
  2. There is no cost at all
  3. All extras are paid the standard rate of $104/8 =$13 per hour then overtime
  4. Food, snacks and an amazing time are provided.
  5. You can email in to attention Tracey


jewish gangsters chitribe fargo
Male, Caucasian, Ages 25-60, slim builds.
These are Jewish gangsters in the 1900’s. You must look the part. Beards, facial hair, ok.


kansas 1900 chitribe fargo
Male/Female, ages 20-70, slim builds
Must be able to play members of the Jewish community in 1900’s Kansas City.

Learn more about the Jewish history of organized crime in America 

Chicago Casting Call for Jewish Extras | FX Fargo Season 4

More on Fargo Season 4


FX Network‘s Fargo begins filming October 15 in Chicago and they need Jewish extras! 

Find all the Chicago events on ChiTribe’s Event Calendar

Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca creates best practices and executes marketing campaigns for Jewish organizations who are trying to reach the next generation of the Jewish community - specifically Millennials and Gen Z - through digital marketing, social media, online and in-person events.