Salesforce Celebrates Sukkot in Chicago

ChiTribe Salesforce Celebrates Sukkot

Salesforce Celebrates Sukkot in Chicago

Salesforce’s Chicago office was hopping for Sukkot when Chabad of River North and Fulton Market stopped by to celebrate in the Sukkah. They arrived after being invited by Salesforce Chicago’s Faithforce team. 

ChiTribe Salesforce Chabad River North Kenny Stolman

Faithforce is an Interfaith Salesforce Equality Group, created to acknowledge, foster understanding of, and celebrate global faith diversity, and strives to work towards inclusiveness by promoting the idea of bringing one’s authentic self to work. 

Faithforce champions faith diversity, inclusion, and allyship across Salesforce. They promote intersectional and interfaith collaboration, learning, and celebration. Faithforce Chicago celebrates and learns about holidays across all faiths.

ChiTribe Salesforce Sukkah Mobile

This Sukkot, Faithforce Chicago board members, Farah Siddiqui and Joanna Greenberg invited a Mobile Sukkah outside the Salesforce office in River North to learn about the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. 

Rabbi Kagan and his family arrived ready with treats, coffee and lulav and etrog in hand to celebrate Sukkot with Salesforce employees, WeWork neighbors, 97 Switch and people just passing by.

ChiTribe Salesforce YLD President Joanna Greenberg Jeremy Greenberg

Salesforce’s office in Chicago is located in River North at 111 W Illinois St. Salesforce employs about 1,300 people at their Chicago office and is looking to almost double their team as they plan to open a new office, Salesforce Tower, in 2023. They were voted the Best Employer in Chicago in 2018 by the Chicago Tribune. 

While the Salesforce Sukkah was only enjoyed for a limited time. There are many places in Chicago to enjoy Sukkot, and even some restaurants have built a Sukkah where you can eat outside. 

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