Show you CARE with SHALVA

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SHALVA supports Jewish women experiencing and healing from domestic abuse, through counseling, supportive services, and community education.

SHALVA Mission Statement

SHALVA Resources During COVID

Too many of us have been there. A friend, a colleague, or even a family member is showing signs that they might not be safe in their relationship. 

You see what’s happening, and you care about this person… but what do you do? Articles on how to help can seem distant or academic. Calling a hotline may feel extreme.

But we must look out for one another – especially in this time of physical distancing. 

It’s Time to Show You CARE.

We are SHALVA, the oldest independent, Jewish domestic abuse agency in the United States located right here in the Chicago area. We’re best known for the free counseling services we offer to Jewish women experiencing and healing from abuse, and our 24/7 hotline that is available for anyone to call.  

Now we’re proud to announce the launch of a digital tool to help caring people like you gain the skills and learn the language to help friends and family who may be experiencing abuse. It’s called Show You CARE (Create Awareness, Respond Effectively). Through reflective questions, video stories, and rich resources, Show You CARE helps you consider the specific situation you’re concerned about, and sets you up to offer support. 

SHALVA is here for you and those you care about. If you or someone you care about needs support, please don’t wait to make the call.

Show You Care Online Tool

Helping you stand up against domestic abuse: CLICK HERE!

Show You CARE walks you through a series of questions to reflect on a specific situation you’ve noticed to help you help someone you care about. Based on your responses, you’ll be shown 2-4 short videos that will help give you ideas, words, and tools to make a difference and show you care.

This is not a quick fix. Because in these situations, there are no easy answers.

Expect to spend about 15 minutes going through the whole process.

At the end, you’ll be asked to share a bit about what was helpful, and what other support you may need.

photos from the SHALVA Show You CARE tool
photos from the SHALVA Show You CARE tool
photos from the SHALVA Show You CARE tool

Learn More about SHALVA online now

24/7 Help/Crisis Line: 773-583-HOPE (4673)

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Jordyn Scorpio

Jordyn Scorpio