Chicago Community Gatherings: War in Israel 2023

To create community and show solidarity during the current war in Israel, the Chicago Jewish community has come forward with many different responses and events. ChiTribe is rounding up all of the events of prominent Jewish organizations including the Jewish Federation, Mishkan, AJC, IPF Atid, Orot, Moishe House, and others. We want to house all of these important responses in one place. We will continue to update this guide as new events are announced. Add all events here>>

October 9, 2023

JUF’s Israel Update: Virtual Community Briefing

Please join us for a community briefing by Ofer Bavly, Director General of JUF’s Israel Office on Monday, October 9, at 11 a.m. Register here to receive the zoom link. This is a virtual briefing

Israel Policy Forum October 9 1pm Central

Israel Policy Forum ChiTribe

Israel Policy Forum is outraged by the despicable attacks by Hamas terrorists. Please join us on Monday, October 9 at 2pm ET when we will convene a special emergency video briefing with our expert Israeli colleagues on the unfolding situation. Register Here>>

Grassroots Rally for Jewish Chicago to Support Israel

Lincoln Park October 9 6pm

Show Up for Israel with Chabad of Lakeview 7:30pm

October 10, 2023

JUF’s Israel Solidarity Gathering in the Suburbs 10/10 10am (1000+ Attendees)

Tuesday: Community Solidarity Gathering—Rain or Shine
JUF is hosting a community-wide solidarity gathering, rain or shine, Tuesday, October 10 at 10 a.m. at NSCI, 1185 Sheridan Road in Glencoe. We will hear from Jewish community leaders, elected officials, and representatives from the State of Israel. More information about parking will be provided shortly; no large bags or signs will be allowed.

Photos Couresty of JUF

Coming Together as a Community with Project 613

In light of the incredibly painful events from Israel, Project 613 is coming together as a community on Tuesday, October 10th from 6:30pm-8pm.

6:30pm- Sushi Dinner and connecting
7:00pm- Open Discussion with our Project 613 community about the events of Israel and the impact on your life. 

Location: Project 613’s NEW downtown center. Exact address given upon registration

Contact: Rabbi Garfinkel 310-903-7398 Rabbi Marcus 312-312-0619

An Orot Community Gathering 10/10 7:30pm: Virtual Gathering for Support

Registration Required

Join us as we come together as an Orot community and create space for sharing our sorrow, fears, and prayers for peace for the State of Israel and all affected by this heartbreaking tragedy. The short program will include time for meditation, quiet, and readings to offer comfort.

Led by Orot’s founders and educators

Base Chicago Community Gathering 10/10 8pm Now at Sketchpad: 200+ Attendees

Please join the Base Chicago community as we come together, with Israel in our hearts, to support each other through what has been a truly horrific few days.

10/10 @8 PM
Sketchpad 4411 N. Ravenswood

October 11, 2023

ORT Briefing from Israel | 11am Central

Join us live for a special briefing from Israel with World ORT and Kadima Mada leadership.

We will be joined by:

  • Dan Green, World ORT CEO and Director General
  • Robert Grey, Chair, World ORT Board of Trustees
  • Amos Gofer, CEO of Kfar Silver Youth Village, World ORT Kadima Mada
  • Dr. Moshe Leiba, Chief Pedagogy and R&D Officer, World ORT Kadima Mada

IPF Atid and AJC ACCESS Chicago Community Gathering

Please join IPF Atid Chicago and AJC ACCESS for an in-person gathering to come together as a community and support one another during these challenging times. We will be present to hold space, offer insights, and update on the current situation & our ongoing efforts. Representatives from the Israeli Consulate and community Rabbis will also be present to answer any questions you might. 

Whether you have a lot to say, want a space to reflect and mourn, need to listen to others, or just want to sit amongst community members, this is a place for you. Please make sure to be respectful and come with an open-heart. 

Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Time: 6pm – 8pm CT
Location: River North | Address Provided Upon RSVP 

RSVP link to share with friends: 

October 12, 2023

Emergency Webinar in Response to the Crisis in Israel with the New Israel Fund

Strategies For Talking With Our Kids About Israel with Leanne Matlow | iCenter

IfNotNow Chicago | 5:15pm AIDS Garden Chicago

Join us at 5:15pm this Thursday 10/12 as we say Kaddish and communally grieve the overwhelming loss of Israeli and Palestinian life to this week’s violence and from decades of apartheid, occupation and ongoing Nakba. We will meet by Keith Haring’s “Self-Portrait” at the AIDS Garden next to Belmont Harbor. Register Now>>

Email the organizers directly with any inquiries regarding this program: [email protected]

Rally for Israel in Daley Plaza – CPD will be on site 5:30pm

Join us in a rally for Israel to remember those who have been murdered, make noise for the slaughter taking place, and stand proud for The State of Israel.

Facebook Event>>

We Stand Together October 12 7:30pm Anshe Emet – EVENT AT CAPACITY


To pray for the safety and security of the Israeli people and all impacted by this recent, tragic violence. 

Thursday, October 12, 2023 | 7:30 pm
Anshe Emet Synagogue Main Sanctuary

Parking at Anshe Emet will be very limited. We suggest using public transportation, or other ridesharing services such as UberLyft, or find local parking via SpotheroNo large bags or signs will be permitted.

This event will be livestreamed:

On Behalf of: Anshe Emet Synagogue, Anshe Sholom B’nai Israel, Silverstein Base LNCLN, Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School, Chicago Jewish Day School, Joseph and Belle Braun Religious School of AES, Mishkan, Emanuel Congregation, and Temple Sholom.

October 13, 2023

City Hall Convening October 13 11:30am

On Friday, October 13,at 1:40 p.m. the Chicago City Council will convene a special meeting to discuss the resolution proposed by Ald. Debra Silverstein (50th ward) condemning the Hamas terrorist attack against Israeli civilians on Oct. 7, 2023.
JUF and allies are asking people to show up to the hearing to stand in solidarity with Israelis and to unequivocally call out terrorism and its apologists. We have speakers lined up already.
What: Show up at City Hall
When: between 11:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. (we want to make sure supporters of the resolution are able to get into the Council chambers)
Where: City Hall, 121 N La Salle St., first floor by the elevators

More Info>>

Shabbat Events

Shabbat for Israel with West Loop Chabad October 13 7pm

Join us for an evening of prayer and connection, in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Israel.
Shabbat Candle Lighting & Services, Open Bar & Hors D’oeuvres.

More Info>>

Shabbat for Israel with Lincoln Park Chabad October 13 7pm

Join us for Shabbat dinner and prayers in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Israel

Friday, October 13th | 7PM

Chabad Lincoln Park: 1962 N Bissel St.

Please note: RSVP is required to attend. There will be additional security.

$36 suggested donation | Sponsorship available

More Info>>

Lakeview Chabad Unity Shabbat 5:30pm October 13 + 14 (9:45am)

Unity Shabbat for Israel | Friday & Shabbat October 13-14

In honor of our brothers & sisters in Israel
Join us in uniting as a community for a Shabbat of Song, Prayer & Strength.
Security will be on site during events

Friday Night:
5:30: Tefillin & Candle lighting praying for Israel
6:00: Kabbalat Shabbat led by cantor Josh Bluestein
6:45: Community Shabbat Dinner (RSVP required)
Special guest speaker at dinner

There is no official cost to join the dinner if you reserve before Thursday afternoon. Suggested donation: $30
Dinner sponsor: $180, $540, $1000, $1800


We also encourage you to join together on Shabbat morning for services and a special prayer for Israel.
9:45 am: Services begin Led by cantor Josh Bluestein
10:30 am: Kids program & Service
11:15 am: Prayer for Israel
12:00 pm: Kiddush Lunch

More Info>>

Mishkan Chicago Friday Night Dinner October 13 6:30pm

Join us for music from our Davening Team, liturgy, and reflection from our rabbis. Music, prayer and special guests will differ week to week, but you can always count on this Friday wind down to leave you feeling nourished and inspired.

More Info>>

October 16, 2023

Shalva: Embodied Spiritual Practice for our Broken Hearts with Orot 7:00pm in Willamette

Monday, October 16th – 7:00 – 8:15 pm

Yogaview Wilmette – 1231 Green Bay Rd.

So many of us are carrying sorrow and fear, heartbreak and pain – in our minds, our hearts, our bodies. As we make our way through this tragic moment, we wanted to create a space for comfort and healing and utilize the embodied practices of breath, touch, and movement to soothe our suffering hearts. Join us for an evening of respite and refuge to help us settle our bodies, nervous systems, and hearts. The session will integrate yoga asana, breathing practices, song, and Jewish readings.

Led by Deb Wineman and Rebecca Minkus Lieberman

Registration fee: optional donation

More Info>>

October 17. 2023

Learning and Solidarity with Israel 
Tuesday, October 17 | 5:30 PM | Sinai
Snacks available at 5:30pm, program at 6pm

October 18, 2023

October 19, 2023

Emergency Medical Situation in Israel Briefing with Israel Bonds

Soroka Medical Center is one of Israel’s leading hospitals and the only major medical center in southern Israel. Located 25 miles from the Gaza Strip, Soroka is where the majority of people wounded in the Hamas terrorist attacks are being sent for treatment, often while under rocket fire. Within 36 hours of the attacks, between 700 and 800 people were transported there to be treated for gunshot wounds and shrapnel injuries.

Community 20s and 30s Mishmar at Base LNCLN

In a time of darkness and fear, we respond as Jews by putting more Torah and more community and more light out into the world. Join us for a community mishmar (a pre-Shabbat learning gathering) for snacks, friends, learning, and being together.

858 W Wrightwood Avenue

Thursday, October 19th, 7-10pm (come for some or all of this time)
7-10 open learning space with materials provided by Project Zug and book available from Rav Sarah and Rav Will’s library, and Rav Sarah on hand for support.
7:30 Class with Rabbi Aaaron Finkelstein, Anshe Shalom Bnai Israel, on redeeming captives
8:30 Class with Rabbi Benjy Forester, Anshe Emet, on prayer in a time of distress

Questions: [email protected]

Sign-up here:

Cosponsored by Anshe Shalom Bnai Israel Congregation, Anshe Emet Synagogue, Silverstein Base Lincoln Park, Shtiebel, ChiTribe, YLD, and Hadar Chicago.

How to Talk Like a Zioness

Thursday, October 19, 2023 @ 5:00 PM


Join us to learn how to fully and authentically show up in this pivotal moment. Gain access to a broad, loving community and a suite of tools to help you navigate the current landscape. Support and be supported by like-minded activists and channel grief into action.

October 20, 2023

20s/30s Community Shabbat at Base Logan Square

It has been a painful time for our community, let’s come together and immerse ourselves in Shabbat, creating a space for care with good, comforting food and community. This is in partnership with JUF’s Young Leadership Division. Address and details provided the day of the event.

October 21, 2023

Chicago Community Led Fundraiser for Magen David Adom

This is a grassroots effort: In response to the terrorist attacks that took place in Israel and the ongoing hardships facing the Jewish community, we want to give our community in Chicago an opportunity to come together and support Magen David Adom, which provides critical disaster relief, ambulance, and blood services in Israel. Join us for an evening of meaningful discussion and connection with speakers, food and drinks.

October 25, 2023

Unity Challah Bake with Chabad of South Loop

Join Mushky of Chabad South Loop as she guides us through the process of making her delicious Challah and unite to pray for our brothers and sisters in Israel. The Mitzvah of baking Challah is an especially opportune time for prayer.

Mushky will share her tips and tricks for successful Challah baking, as well as insights to strengthen ourselves during this time. Wine and light refreshments will be served.

November 1, 2023

November First Friday Shabbat Dinner for Israel with Chabad of Bucktown Wicker Park

We’ve decided to make our November First Friday dinner free for anyone who wants to join us. In these trying times, it’s more important than ever for us to come together. Register here>>


Find all the Jewish Events on in Chicago on the ChiTribe Calendar

Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca creates best practices and executes marketing campaigns for Jewish organizations who are trying to reach the next generation of the Jewish community - specifically Millennials and Gen Z - through digital marketing, social media, online and in-person events.