Brand New Bond Coffee Collective is Vegetarian, Kosher, and Dairy

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Brand New Bond Coffee Collective is Vegetarian, Kosher, and Dairy

ChiTribe goes behind the scene with an exclusive interview with Founder Max Dayan of Bond Coffee Collective. Bond Coffee Collective is a hip new coffee shop – it’s vegetarian, dairy, and certified kosher. It’s designed to be a community gathering space for people to meet and bond. Co-founder Max Dayan has always wondered why Chicago’s rich coffee culture is not present in West Rogers Park. Instead of leaving the neighborhood to find delicious spots, Max wanted the local community to have its own welcoming space for people to come together and bond.

max dayan bong kosher coffee chitribe chicago

Max Dayan and his wife, Mariya, at a recent event.

Who runs this operation?

Michael Schultz and his team. They do it all. I was introduced to Michael Schultz by the famous Shalom Klein, Jewish community networker. I told him I had just bought a vacant bank, and I wanted to turn it into a coffee shop. Shalom mentioned that Michael was a tremendously successful operator. His company owns Fairgrounds Coffee and Tea. He is a genius in the business and his company also owns Infuse Hospitality, which builds out amenity spaces for offices across the country.

What inspired you to get involved in the coffee shop industry?

I work in non-profit development and I felt a need for a place like this to meet and connect with prospective donors, board members and friends. In my line of work, you build relationships one cup of coffee at a time. It seemed crazy to me that my neighborhood had plenty of standard, chain coffee shops but no craft coffee spot. I intend to continue my career in the non-profit industry.

How do you like your coffee?

I’ve learned a lot about coffee over the past couple years. In college, I only knew that it helped me stay awake. However, good coffee is truly an art form. Once you try a good cup of coffee, it’s like the first time you have a good glass of wine. Now that is an enjoyable experience. I enjoy drinking my coffee unpolluted – black coffee, no cream or sugar.

At Bond, our base for the espresso is from Passion House Coffee Roasters We are going to be serving locally made and regional craft roasters for a perfect pour over. We also offer a robust tea and smoothie selection including cold brew coffee on tap and Rishi tea brewed cold overnight.

What other Coffee Shops are Kosher in Chicago or the NorthShore?

None. Coffee itself is inherently kosher, but it’s tricky to get it at a non-kosher establishment. Bond is the first of its kind in Chicago. 

It is especially difficult for those who keep to the strict kosher laws of Cholov Yisroel. Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, a Rabbinic leader of the last generation in America, made a ruling that the general community is allowed to drink cholov stam dairy products because the industrial process to produce cow’s milk is kosher and strictly regulated by the United States government.

However, there is a growing portion of the Jewish community that keeps the strict dairy laws of cholov yisrael. Prior to the opening of Bond, there were no options for a cafe experience in Chicago.

What is your favorite dish on the menu at Bond?

Tofu Bon Mi – it’s spicy, it’s unique, it’s delicious. It’s light and filling, and it doesn’t make you feel like you need to take a nap after you eat.

bond coffee chitribe

What are your favorite Kosher spots in..Chicago, NYC, International

Chicago: Destination for an upscale, trendy meat dinner: Milt’s BBQ for the Perplexed. In terms of consistency, Taboun Grill is the way to go for a great shawarma or falafel for a family meal.

New York: Kosher Culinary Center in Brooklyn – They do chef training for chef’s who want to work or run their own kosher restaurant. They also offer classes and activities for a date night and more.

International: I went to a place called Sushi Papaia Koshera in San Paolo, Brazil and the sushi was amazing, and it was completely kosher. 

Your mother was clearly an amazing person. Who else is named after her in your family?

There are three Bonnie’s in my family, my two brothers and I all have daughters named Bonnie. We were trying to make a place for people to come together and in many ways, bond. The concept was there, and the name “Bond” like Bonnie, was perfect because my mother influenced me to be who I am, and she instilled in me that desire to build community. It just happened to be, as was everything in this endeavor, that everything came together perfectly after that.

“The name Bond is inspired by my mother, Bonnie. She was the glue that held together our community, our neighborhood and our family. She created a house that had an open door policy and became the default place for the neighborhood kids and parents to gather and connect. Bond Coffee Collective was created to provide that familiar, safe and welcoming space from our childhood where people can come together and open up to each other.” -Max

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Bond Coffee Collective

Open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Monday through Thursday

7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday

8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday

Visit the Website

7555 N. California Avenue


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Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca creates best practices and executes marketing campaigns for Jewish organizations who are trying to reach the next generation of the Jewish community - specifically Millennials and Gen Z - through digital marketing, social media, online and in-person events.

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