Rosh Hashanah Reflection and Celebration

Reflection and Celebration Storyboard Experience

Rosh Hashanah Reflection and Celebration Storyboard Experience with Nasya Miller

If you are here reading this, you have already shown up for yourself and that is something to celebrate. I invite you to invest in yourself and your year ahead in this small and very meaningful way.

Important: This experience is everyone. Whether you are Jewish and maybe or not celebrating these holidays or whether you are not and connect to celebrating humanity, or spaces for reflection and exploration – this was designed for you.

This will be a collective and individual experience.

Traditionally this is a time during the year people reflect as we enter a new beginning. Many do this during synagogue services, others hiking, at festive meals, others solo in their homes.

We are going to create our own reflection ritual right here one that we are experiencing with others (everyone is investing time and energy during the same timeframe) while simultaneously each having our own experience (the actions are solo). This combo is powerful!

You will be individually building a reflection and celebration storyboard. Put the time in you have. Commit as little as 5 minutes a day.

Why Now

I am inviting you to join me in this Rosh Hashanah Reflection and Celebration storyboard experience during the seven days between the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.

Rosh Hashana honors and celebrates the anniversary of creation and humanity- that’s YOU.

Yom Kippur gives us an opportunity to explore the concept of forgiveness and to begin again new, it’s up to us what you do with that offering.

Rosh Hashanah Reflection and Celebration Storyboard Experience

For all of you who are craving more details here they are…

1. Grab a pack of post-its (choose a single color or multi-colored pack)

These will be our building blocks. (If you don’t have post-its, improvise. You can: Cut pieces of paper, designate a notebook for this! etc)

2. Find a space

Whether that is at home or work, choose a place in your life that you can stick these post-its and build your storyboard- this will live here for these 7 days. 

Note: You might want it to be a space where you have privacy so you can feel free with your expressions.

ie. bathroom mirrors, a wall in your room/office, the floor etc..

3. Check Each day

I will offer a prompt with a question for you to consider about yourself and your life exploring different timely and timeless concepts ones that make up how we make choices in our lives.

Each prompt will offer a new lens for you to consider and will challenge you to be honest with yourself (again, it’s whatever you want to put into this experience- you are the content!) 

4. The Final Prompt

This will culminate with a final prompt for you to consider, a new lens, and an incredible tool,  leaving this experience with an intentional choice you will make about the new year we are entering. (We celebrate four different ‘new years’ in Judaism- this being one, a new Jewish year of 5779! If you don’t consider this time of year a new year one, no worries, reflection is a theme we get to partake in year round- this is a space to choose new for yourself whenever you choose.) 

We begin on Wednesday, September 12 culminating on Tuesday, September 18.

Jump in with me and subscribe below.

If you have questions or aren’t clear about something please contact Nasya at @nnmiller on Instagram or on my website, Wide Open Spaces.

with gratitude,


Nasya Miller is an educator and coach in Chicago and a contributor to ChiTribe’s community. You can find more about her on her blog Wide Open Spaces or on her Instagram @nnmiller.

If you want to contribute to ChiTribe’s community, email Josh –

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