Jewish Person of the Week Ethan Frisch

Let’s meet our Jewish Person of the Week, Ethan Frisch

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in the north suburbs of Chicago, in Wilmette. I was born in Hyde Park.  I have an older brother and younger sister. My younger sister goes to Rush and was at the ChiTribe launch as well.

Where did you go to school?

I went to New Trier and then to University of Iowa.

When did you move back to Chicago?

I moved back to Chicago right after school and lived in Bucktown, Lincoln Park and now, I just bought a new apartment in River North. (Mazel tov!)

What did you do Jewish growing up?

I went to Jewish summer camp in Michigan, Habonim Dror Camp Tavor. I went there for 6 years. I also went to Hebrew school at Am Yisrael Congregation in Northfield.

What do you do Jewish now?

Now, I am on the Keshet Executive Board. I started volunteering with Keshet as a kid and have been involved my whole life. So, when I came back to Chicago, a few people who had siblings involved in Keshet or volunteered with it formed the Junior Board. I also host OneTable dinners every once in a while.  

So, Tell us more about your involvement with Keshet

It all started with Avi Lesser. I will say almost all Chicago Jews know Avi lesser. Avi has been my friend since I was born and can’t wait for the years to come. LAST YEAR: The Third Annual Junior Board SoulCycle for Keshet on October 14th raised over $20,000.   
THIS YEAR:  June 6th 6-9pm at City Hall. The Keshet Junior Board invites you to join them for their 5th Annual Happy Hour Fundraiser at new venue, City Hall.  Each ticket to the event includes two drink tickets, hors d’oeuvres, and access to the raffle and silent auction. Ticket proceeds benefit Keshet. Don’t worry, you can find more events like SoulCycle and Happy Hour for Keshet on our calendar. What do you do for work? I am a civil engineer in land development. I am currently working on the Lincoln Yards project between Lincoln Park and Bucktown which has been very fun.

What do you do for fun?

I play rugby with Lincoln Park Rugby which takes a lot of my time. I practice twice a week and then play games on the weekends. I have played for 11 years now. I also don’t mind a drink or two with some friends or hosting people at my apartment. Birthright Registration for Winter is open now, tell us about your Birthright trip. I went on a Shorashim Birthright trip over winter of 2015, Bus #536 with one of my good friends from California. I have cousins in Israel and have been five plus times, but every time you go you see something new and different. I also really loved the soldiers on my trip, you learn their point of view and have made some lasting relationships. One of the soldiers in particular came to Chicago and stayed with me and I also visited when I went back to Israel.
Do you have any high holiday traditions? Usually, I just go to the suburbs and do it with family. Holidays are about family for me.

Who do you want to shoutout?

Nadav Newman! I know him because he is cousins with one of my friends from Habonim Dror. He is a nice Jewish boy and no one has ever had a bad word to say about him… mayber that he’s too nice, so let’s give him a shoutout.

Now finish this statement, When the tribe gathers …there is always good food.

  Nominate your friends for Jewish Person of the Week! Find more Jewish people of the Week on ChiTribe Find all the Chicago events on ChiTribe’s Event Calendar
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