Jewish Person of the Week – Mia Rahmanim

Mia Rahmanim ChiTribe Jewish Person of the Week (1)

Let’s meet Jewish Person of the Week, Mia Rahmanim

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Northbrook, IL and lived there all my life.

My parents met in Israel. My dad grew up in Iran and my mom grew up in Israel in Tel Aviv. My dad moved to Chicago in 1976 and met my mom in 1992 on a business trip to Israel. My mom shortly after moved to NY to be with her sister and eventually married my dad and moved to Chicago. 

For school, I went to public elementary and high school in Northbrook, IL.

What did you do Jewish growing up?

Growing up, I would spend every summer in Israel visiting my mom’s family. My mom’s parents moved to Israel from Iran in the 1950’s. One summer, I tried out Camp Chi and decided that I preferred being in Israel, so the summer going into high school I went to Camp Kimama Israel with my brother, cousins, and family friends. 

Where did you to school?

I did my undergrad at UW-Madison and graduated in 2017. Wisconsin was the best college experience. I met students from all over the states and the world. I studied Marketing and International Business.

What do you do for work?

Now I worked for United Airlines as a Revenue Management analyst. 

I travel all the time! At least once or twice a month I do a weekend trip. I show up at the airport and try and get on the flights I want. Recently I took trips to Dublin and Sonoma, CA.  

The whole world is on my travel list! I especially want to go Argentina – the culture and people interest me. 


Mia Rahmanim ChiTribe

What do you do Jewish now?

I like to go to Jewish community events. I normally celebrate holidays and shabbat with my brother and parents. My brother is a year and a half younger than me and recently graduated from U of I. He is working with my parents in our family business (gemstone wholesaler). Also, I speak Hebrew at home.

What do you do for fun?

Hang out with friends and exploring Chicago one bar, restaurant, and festival at a time. 

Birthright Israel registration is open for winter trips, tell us about your Birthright Trip?

I went after freshman year of college through UW Madison Hillel. It was cool seeing Israel through the lens of people who had never been there before. 

It was definitely different than going to Israel to see family. I didn’t love being treated like a tourist, but it was fun being with the group and seeing so many cities in Israel. Before birthright I had never been to Tzfat, Mitzpei Ramon. I also became good friends with the Israeli soldiers. After Birthright I did Hasbara Fellowships and Onward Israel through IAC-Mishelanu


Mia Rahmanim ChiTribe Chicago

How did you spend high holidays?

Just with family, we celebrate with our big extended family in Chicago. Our best tradition is for Pesach. As a Persian custom, we sing dayenu and hit each other with the leaks.

When the tribe gathers…we are unstoppable.

Who do you want to shout out?

Yari Rostamian 

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