Meet Jewish Person of the Week Yehuda Bromberg

Yehuda Bromberg chitribe jewish person of the week

My wife, myself, and at that time 2-month-old son got COVID early on.  There were no real policies or procedures for returning to work after testing positive. Once my local health department cleared me from quarantine, my goal became to get back to my team in the emergency department. We got sick before masks, social distancing, or any guidelines that are now standard practice. I joined a clinical trial with Northshore to donate my plasma. I was found to have a high level of antibodies and donated my plasma on two separate occasions. The plasma was donated to research and emergent compassionate use in the ICU.

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Skokie, IL and have always lived here. 

What did you do Jewish growing up?

I attended Hillel Torah, Ida Crown Jewish Academy, and Loyola University Chicago for undergraduate and graduate education. I am completing my Masters of Science in Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner with Emergency subspecialty now. 

Yehuda Bromberg chitribe jewish person of the week

Where did you go to school?

My family is observant orthodox Jews and we attended Jewish academic institutions and synagogue regularly. 

What do you do Jewish now?

My family Identifies as observant orthodox Jews and attended Jewish academic institutions and synagogue regularly. My wife and I are active members of our local synagogue. I was director of youth programming along with my wife for several years.

Favorite takeout spot during the Pandemic?

I love Kosher Chinese food. 

 Yehuda Bromberg chitribe jewish person of the week

What do you do for fun/to relax?

I enjoy relaxing with good food,  a good movie, and time with my family. In non-pandemic times, What is your favorite Jewish Chicago event? I really enjoyed the community synagogue events where children and adults came together to celebrate a holiday or Shabbat. 

What do you for work?

I am an emergency room nurse at NorthShore University Health System Highland Park Hospital. I will be graduating in December 2021 as a Nurse Practitioner from Loyola University ( FNP/ENP). During COVID…How do you stay motivated during the Pandemic? To be honest this was very difficult. I think the support healthcare workers received early on ( food, drinks, written cards) made a large impact. Currently, resilience, family support,  and comradery among my peers keep me motivated. 

Yehuda Bromberg chitribe jewish person of the week

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Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca creates best practices and executes marketing campaigns for Jewish organizations who are trying to reach the next generation of the Jewish community - specifically Millennials and Gen Z - through digital marketing, social media, online and in-person events.