A Friday For Kasey – Special Post by Marissa Freeman

dinner for kasey chitribe

Dear ChiTribe, 

Like you, we value the way that community gathers and how important it is to pause, be with others, and connect. We’re thrilled to share with you a Shabbat experience, A Friday for Kasey.  

A Friday For Kasey is a gathering to celebrate the beauty of Shabbat mindfulness and the way we can all be present, appreciating the food on our plate one bite at a time. This dinner, while in memory of Kasey Passen z”l, is also an opportunity to inhale Shabbat and exhale the week with our larger community. 

So now, some details! Our evening will be at Patchwork Farms Chicago. With the help of our sponsors, our meal will be set up outdoors, under the stars, with. Your ticket includes dinner, drinks, and a chance to experience Shabbat in a unique, Chicago-summer way. This meal is open to all… sign up with your friends to connect with others at the table.

Snag your seat here: A Friday for Kasey

Proceeds from this event will benefit OneTable, as well as the Global Lyme Alliance, an organization that Kasey dedicated her time to, raising awareness and thousands of dollars to help their work. We’re so honored to be gathering together and can’t wait to welcome in Shabbat with you. 


Cheers from us, the host committee, to you!

Andy Stein, Jason Klinman, Mo Goltz, Marissa Freeman, Al Rosenberg, Marina Rostein, and the OneTable team

If you’d like to attend and the ticket price is a barrier, please reach out to Marissa@onetable.org.


Marissa Freeman

Marissa Freeman