Meet Jewish Person of the Week Caleb Bromberg

caleb bromberg Jewish person of the week Chitribe

Let’s meet Jewish person of the week Caleb Bromberg, Youth Engagement and Curriculum Coordinator at Temple Sholom of Chicago.

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Melrose and then Newton, Massachusetts!

What did you do Jewish growing up?

I went to Hebrew School, Camp Ramah New England, Prozdor Hebrew College, and I was expected to include Shabbat as an official “conflict” for any extracurriculars I wanted to participate in.

caleb bromberg Jewish person of the week Chitribe

What do you do now?

I work full-time as an educator and youth professional at Temple Sholom, I’m a builder at Mishkan Chicago, and I daven at the Rose Crown Minyan. I’m also getting my Master’s in Jewish Professional Studies at Spertus, I teach Talmud and Hebrew at Base Hillel, and I’m a Jewish Education Consultant for BBYO. I’m starting Rabbinical School at JTS in the fall.

Where did you go to school?

I did my undergrad at DePaul University in Secondary Education and English.

What have you done throughout your career and how did you end up in your current role?

Well, I worked in food-service doing darn near everything there is to do since high school. During college I was working at restaurants and teaching part-time at Temple Sholom. When I graduated I worked as a Sales Rep for a local brewery for a year — biked all over Chicago with a bunch of beer in my backpack and tried to get stores to buy it. Then I applied for my current job at Sholom.

caleb bromberg Jewish person of the week Chitribe

What is your favorite Jewish event in Chicago?

The community-wide Tikkun Leil Shavuot that happens every year at Anshe Emet is fabulous. Big fan.

What is your favorite hidden gem in Chicago?

I’m loath to publicize my favorite secret, but the beer and wine bar at the Mariano’s on Broadway is the best bar in the city! $2 nice beer, $3 nice wine, and the best part: $5 boozy slushies. Also, we can’t forget about Diversey Mini-Golf. I’m there every week when the weather is nice.

caleb bromberg Jewish person of the week Chitribe

What TV show would you recommend during quarantine?

Unorthodox is outstanding. Also, there is an animal planet show called “Too Cute” that I highly recommend.

What is your favorite quarantine activity?

Doing all the challenging/weird/different cooking projects that I’ve been waiting to do forever. Same thing with books — I’m finally working through my stack!

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