Meet Jewish Person of the Week Ben Gould

ben gould chitribe jewish person of the week

Fortunately, I work for an organization with an important mission, which keeps me motivated to help those who sacrifice so much for our nation.

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Skokie and attended Niles West High School.

What did you do Jewish growing up?

Attended summer camp at the Mayer Kaplan JCC, RIP.

What do you do Jewish now?

I try to be engaged with organizations and efforts both Jewish and non-Jewish that seek to have a positive influence as my small part in Tikkun Olam. I also often eat fried matzo from The Bagel.

ben gould chitribe jewish person of the week

What Jewish organizations are you involved with?

Currently, I’m co-chair of the Anti Defamation League’s Glass Leadership Institute after completing the program last year. I’ve also been on the Israel Policy Forum’s Chicago Atid Steering Committee since 2017 and recently became committee chair. I participate in various JUF programs as well.

Where did you go to school?

I went to school locally at Northeastern Illinois University where I graduated with a degree in history and education. I then finished a master’s program through the United Nations Institution for Training and Research.

What do you do for fun/to relax?

Go to the dog park with my rescue pit-bull, Bo.

In non-pandemic times, What is your favorite Jewish Chicago event?

That’s a tough one but I’ll say the YLD JUF Big Event.

ben gould chitribe jewish person of the week

What do you for work?

Right now, I’m the Chicago Chapter Director at Blue Star Families, a non-profit that supports and advocates for military and veteran families. However, most of my professional work has been in Democratic politics and I’m often doing something politically relevant.

How has that changed during COVID?

We have always been a remote organization so COVID has changed my job less than probably many other jobs. We have really adapted and conduct most of our efforts virtually while trying to help mitigate the challenges that COVID has furthered for military families.

How do you stay motivated during the Pandemic?

Fortunately, I work for an organization with an important mission, which keeps me motivated to help those who sacrifice so much for our nation.

Favorite takeout spot during the Pandemic?

Pequod’s Pizza

Best virtual resource for people working from home?

Always have a great Zoom background. Here are some good Zoom background options

When the Tribe Gathers…a lot of opinions will be spoken.

Connect with Ben Gould

Find Ben on Facebook and LinkedIn

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Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca creates best practices and executes marketing campaigns for Jewish organizations who are trying to reach the next generation of the Jewish community - specifically Millennials and Gen Z - through digital marketing, social media, online and in-person events.