Meet Jewish Person of the Week Carly Rehbock

carly rehbock Jewish person of the week Chitribe

Let’s meet Jewish person of the week Carly Rehbock, founding chair of the Young Professional Committee with the Illinois Holocaust Museum.

It is devastating to think about, but in a few years, there will be no survivors left to tell their stories. We need to be the ones to keep their stories alive, long after they’re gone. I have taken that responsibility on, and I live my life according to it.

Carly Rehbock

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Deerfield, IL

What did you do Jewish growing up?

I went to Sunday and Hebrew school every week (much to my dismay at 9-12 years old, but I am so thankful now that my parents pushed me to go every week! I can still read and recite the Aleph Bet.

What do you do Jewish now?

I am the founding chair of the Young Professional Committee with the Illinois Holocaust Museum. I have been involved since before it’s creation, and am still loving being involved today. 

carly rehbock Jewish person of the week Chitribe

Where did you go to school?

Miami of Ohio

What do you do for work?

I am an Executive Assistant for a CFO of a Healthcare Company

What do you do for fun/to relax?

I spend a lot of time with my 2 nieces and new nephew. They bring me so much joy! I also have just started a small business making bracelets.

More of Carly’s bracelet side hustle on Instagram @ccharmed.beads

carly rehbock Jewish person of the week Chitribe

What is your favorite way to spend Shabbat?

With my great friends Hillary and Jeremy Elkins! (If you haven’t spent a Shabbat at their house, you are missing out!)

Top three things on your Chicago bucket list?

I NEED to get to the top of the Sears Tower (I refuse to call it Willis), Garfield Observatory and skating at the Maggie Daley Ice Rink. I am ashamed that I am a Chicagoan and have never done any of that! 

carly rehbock Jewish person of the week Chitribe

What is your favorite Jewish Chicago event?

The YPC annual benefit! This past year was our largest and most successful annual benefit ever. More on ChiTribe about Holocaust Survivors in Chicago>>

LOL with YPC - Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center’s upcoming Young Professional Committee (YPC) Fundraiser chitribe

Tell us more about your involvement with YPC. What is this committee so important to you and your family? 

My grandfather is a Holocaust survivor and inspired my passion for history and for learning and teaching the Holocaust. My involvement in the YPC happened naturally, as I have always spent a lot of time at the Museum (I interned in the Collections department when I was 20!). My papa is the VP of the board, and my grandmother volunteers every Tuesday. I grew up learning about the Holocaust through my papa and would consider it one of my greatest passions in life.

How do we get more involved with YPC?

It is devastating to think about, but in a few years, there will be no survivors left to tell their stories. We need to be the ones to keep their stories alive, long after they’re gone. I have taken that responsibility on, and I live my life according to it. We can NOT allow anything like the Holocaust to happen again, and if we let these stories die, who knows what can happen. The group is comprised of like-minded individuals. We are all hardworking and caring people, who want to spread the story of the Holocaust as much as we can.

When the tribe gathers… expect LOUD laughter! 

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Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca creates best practices and executes marketing campaigns for Jewish organizations who are trying to reach the next generation of the Jewish community - specifically Millennials and Gen Z - through digital marketing, social media, online and in-person events.

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