ChiTribe Business of the Month: Mahtzee

Meet Zach Wishnov! Zach is the creator and owner (and chef) at Mahtzee. By day, Zach works in IT product management. When he’s not working, he’s baking Mahtzee and building an online store to give people the gift of delicious matzah toffee. Get a taste of Mahtzee at the upcoming ChiTribe 30-Somethings Hanukkah Happy Hour on December 15.

Jewish food represents community and memories. Food, in general, is a great way to make memories but Jewish food also brings in that community feel within the tribe.

Zach Wishnov

Where are you from?

I’m from Boca Raton, FL, the Jewish retirement capital of the world!

When did you start your business?

          I’ve always had a passion for entrepreneurship. During the pandemic, it dawned on me that I can turn this into a small business. I started by bringing matzah toffee to my close friends, and after doing research into the legalities of selling food, I got my licenses/certifications.

I found a shared kitchen space and perfected my recipe (this took longer than I imagined), and launched Mahtzee’s online store launched in April 2021.

zach wishnov jewish person of the week

What did you do Jewish growing up?

           My family celebrated the four main holidays (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Hanukkah, Passover) and occasionally went to synagogue. I went on Birthright as a young adult and worked at a Kosher delicatessen throughout my college years. I also was a camp counselor at the local JCC for many years.

What does Jewish food mean to you?

           Jewish food represents community and memories. Food, in general, is a great way to make memories but Jewish food also brings in that community feel within the tribe.

How do you stay motivated during the Pandemic with a small business?

The pandemic makes running a small business difficult but also gives me plenty of spare time to pursue my dreams! Last year being stuck inside allowed me to tinker with the recipe and setup my business. Now that we are reopen, it allows me to let others purchase and try my product. 

Zachary Wishnov mahtzee

What is unique about your business?

 Mahtzee is changing the Jewish dessert game after decades of no new products. Rugelach, Babka, and Rainbow cookies have been around forever. We’re here to add something new to the mix and change how people both Jewish and non-Jewish think about Jewish desserts.

What are your goals for your business?

 Right now I’m trying to get Mahtzee onto store shelves. Overall, I would love for my product to be on shelves next to other classics such as Bark Thins and chocolate covered almonds as a sweet snack. Mahtzee is a brand new product that have been in home kitchens but never on the store shelf.

zach wishnov jewish person of the week

How do we order your products?

Order at and follow Mahtzee on Instagram

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ChiTribe Business of the Month

ChiTribe Business of the Month

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