Meet Jewish Person of the Week Mo Goltz

Mo Goltz Jewish person of the week Chitribe

Let’s meet Jewish person of the week Mo Goltz, designer of the ChiTribe logo.

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

What did you do Jewish growing up?

Since I grew up Orthodox in an area without an orthodox community, our family would host Shabbat dinners for others each week. I went to Jewish summer camps each summer, where I gained exposure to new ways to be Jewish across the country. For high holiday services, I would travel to Chicago, Detroit, and South Bend to celebrate with friends and family in other communities.

Mo Goltz Jewish person of the week Chitribe

What do you do now?

I enjoy hosting OneTable and Moishe House Without Walls dinners and events. I enjoy the  creativity and craft of orchestrating intimate gatherings that allow. There is no substitute for at-home experiences where people can really open up in ways that aren’t easy to replicate in public spaces.  I also volunteer with various jewish non-profits with graphic design and marketing – I designed the Base Hillel newsletter and the ChiTribe logo.

Where did you go to school?

Washington University in St. Louis for Undergrad and The Institute of Design at the Illinois Institute of Technology for Graduate school.

Mo Goltz Jewish person of the week Chitribe

What is your favorite Jewish event in Chicago?

Retreats hosted by Mishkan and Base Hillel have been quite enjoyable. Getting away for a weekend to spend time in nature with others is transformative and helps me see the Chicago scene with new eyes when I return.

What is your favorite hidden gem in Chicago?

The Paper Machete variety show & weekly magazine in Uptown! Think of it as SNL with a local flair and more heart. It’s one of the most unique live events in the city, combining comedy storytelling, puppetry, music, political commentary, music, and prose from talented locals and well known performers from across the country. I always leave entertained, educated, and with an appreciation for the world around me.

Mo Goltz Jewish person of the week Chitribe

What TV show would you recommend during quarantine?

“What we do in the Shadows” on Hulu (FX)  is amazing! The show is an absurd and awkward reality TV style about Vampires in contemporary times.  If “The Office” and “Flight of the Conchords” had a baby, then you’d get this style of humor.

What is your favorite quarantine activity?

Staying connected with friends and family by doing things together online has been the most fulfilling. Whether it’s watching a live streamed event together, playing a game, or simply eating with others virtually. Catching up on podcasts has been a close second.

When the tribe gathers… it’s an opportunity to connect with others and yourself in new ways each time.

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