Introducing The Jewniverse Podcast

Girls Guide To The Jewniverse chitribe

“This Podcast is for the Jewish, the Jew-ish, and the Jew-curious. There is more than one way to be Jewish and we want to explore that here. So even if you know nothing about the community, tune it…”

Girls Guide to the Jewniverse

EPISODE #1 of Girl’s Guide to the Jewniverse is LIVE

ChiTribe is thrilled to introduce this amazing new show for you to hang with us as we talk about life and all things tribe related with a tried and true member of the Jewish community and a non-tribe member who wants to know more. No questions are dumb, and no topic is off-limits. Welcome to the Jewniverse.

Girls Guide To The Jewniverse

meet your hosts chitribe jewniverse

Hosted by a Sephardic Jew (who also happens to be half black and Irish) and a non-member of the tribe who misses her NYC roots, and is looking to learn everything starting from gefilte fish. Tune in for more!

diana o'halloran chitribe

Diana O’Halloran is a non-tribe member from Indiana who’s traveled the world with her husband and has landed back in Chicago, the best of places. She has a background in Music but has a 5-year professional career in corporate recruitment because of….bills. She lived in New York’s Upper West Side where Jewish culture is ingrained in everyday life.

Now she’s taking her curiosity and love of Jewish culture to Girl’s Guide to the Jewniverse, with her co-founder and co-host Dom (tried and true tribe member).

dom o connor chitribe

Dom O’Connor isn’t your average nice Jewish girl. Hailing from Omaha, Nebraska, Dom has navigated identity, cultural, and religious issues as a Jamaican Irish American Jew. The complexities of growing up as a Jew of Color led Dom to explore other perspectives and experiences within the Jewish community. Naturally, podcasting was a sure fit for this law school grad to highlight and welcome underrepresented groups in Jewish America.

When she’s not promoting her podcast on Insta, you can find her hustling at one of her many side projects (legal research, Etsy creator, synagogue young membership…the list is endless). She credits her hustle game and chutzpah to her mom, Chaya Tamar, who makes the “best Jerk chicken cholent you’ve ever tasted.” Catch her and Diana every other Monday on Spotify and anywhere else you listen to podcasts.

why listen jewniverse chitribe

This podcast is for the Jewish kid who had her bat mitzvah planned at age 8. For the 31-year-old who found out they were Jewish a day ago. For the blonde, blue-eyed maven who just converted. For the Catholic/atheist/Muslim/Buddhist/ Wiccan friend of a friend who always wanted to know “about the Jewish curls.” This. Is. Your. Podcast. We’re not claiming to be experts, we’re not here to convert, and we sure don’t have all the answers. We’re here to share and explore the best, worst, and most hilarious aspects of Jewish life, culture, and spirituality. We hope you’ll join us on this INCREDIBLE journey. We’re so excited to explore each moment with all of you.

You can follow Dom and Diana on your favorite social media!

✡️ A podcast for the Jewish, Jew-ish, and Jew-curious!
??‍♀️??‍♀️Hosted by Dom & Diana
✡️Positive vibes every other Monday.

girls guide to the jewniverse chitribe

Insta @girlsguidetothejewniverse

Twitter @GJewniverse

Anchor @girlsguidetothejewniverse

LinkedIn: Girl’s Guide to the Jewniverse

Patreon: Girl’s Guide to the Jewniverse

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Jewniverse Podcast

Jewniverse Podcast