Meet Jewish Person of the Week Yisrael “Sruly” Bogopulsky

sruli yisrael Bogopulsky chitribe

When the Tribe Gathers… there will be some schmoozing, a lot of food, and at least one person trying to set up their grandchild

Meet Sruly Bogopulsky Originally From San Diego

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in San Diego but spent my high school years boarding in NYC.

What did you do Jewish growing up?

I attended Jewish day school and Jewish overnight camp since I was 8 years old. My dad is a Synagogue rabbi so I guess you could say Judaism raised me.

What do you do Jewish now?

Daily Talmud study is extremely important to me and my day job at Camp Nageela Midwest is pretty Jewish as well.

shruliisrael Bogopulsky chitribe

What Jewish organizations are you involved with?

Camp Nageela Midwest, my synagogue, RCCS (an organization dedicated to helping people stricken with cancer pay their bills and get the best treatment), and too many others to count

Where did you go to school?

I received my BS in Accounting from Lander College in NYC after studying for 3 years abroad in Israel.

What do you do for fun/to relax?

I love to watch the Los Angeles Lakers play basketball. I will travel anywhere to watch them live; I even went to Texas to watch them during the pandemic.

shruliisrael Bogopulsky chitribe

In non-pandemic times, what is your favorite Jewish Chicago event?

Just a good kiddush Shabbat morning. I miss a good kiddush so badly!

What do you for work?

I do development for Camp Nageela Midwest and Camp Red Leaf. I also have a podcast called 990 Talk with my partner Ari Strulowitz which we use as a tool to provide support and resources to other nonprofit professionals in a funny and lighthearted manner.

shruliisrael Bogopulsky chitribe

How has that changed during COVID?

Operating summer camps has obviously been a challenge during COVID and raising money has also been challenging. Zoom meetings don’t have the same personal touch as grabbing lunch or playing a round of golf (if you are reading this, I’m always down). That being said, the philanthropic community has stepped up in ways I could’ve never imagined despite the persistent financial challenges so here we are standing strong.

How do you stay motivated during the Pandemic?

With kids across the world being couped up for the last year, the importance of Jewish summer camp has never been greater. Also prior to last summer, many camper families converted their prepaid tuition into donations to help camps stay afloat. They were there for us then, how much more so we need to be there for them now.

shruliisrael Bogopulsky chitribe

Favorite takeout spot during the Pandemic?

Evita Steakhouse on Lincoln Ave. The food is great, delivery is free, and the owner is a heck of a dude.

Best virtual resource for people working from home?

Hard seltzer. Hard seltzer got on the map at the perfect time. Wow.

When the Tribe Gathers… there will be some schmoozing, a lot of food, and at least one person trying to set up their grandchild.

Connect with Sruly and Listen to his Podcast 990 Talk

Connect with Sruly on Facebook and Instagram and LinkedIn

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Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca creates best practices and executes marketing campaigns for Jewish organizations who are trying to reach the next generation of the Jewish community - specifically Millennials and Gen Z - through digital marketing, social media, online and in-person events.