Let’s Meet Max Grad and Feed Chicago 2019

max grad feed chicago chitribe

Let’s Meet Max Grad and learn about Feed Chicago 2019

Sunday September 22nd is the day to make a difference! ChiTribe learns more about Max Grad and his involvement in Feed Chicago 2019. Registration closes Thursday!

There is a volunteer opportunity for literally anything you are passion about. All you have to do is start looking for it. If you’re free this Sunday, YLD and TOV are hosting Feed Chicago, a day of service that works to address hunger. I’ll be going to KAM Isaiah! 

Where are you from originally?

Miami, FL

What do you do for work?

I work for Kraft Heinz as a member of the manufacturing HR team.

How did you get involved with Jewish life in Chicago?

After I went on Birthright between my freshman and sophomore year with UChicago Hillel, I became involved with the Jewish community. I am still involved with UChicago Hillel as a new member of their Board. After graduating in 2017, I participated in LEADS, Mensches in Motion, and other JUF social events.  This fall, I am starting as a YLD Outreach Committee member. 

max grad feed chicago chitribe

What else are you involved with?

I love films! I am an Associate Board member of Cinema Chicago, which is the organization that operates the Chicago International Film Festival in October of every year. I am also a member of the Young Professional Board of Strive which is a tutoring/mentorship organization operating out of Hyde Park for CPS students on the South Side of Chicago.

Why is volunteering / social justice close to your heart?

After graduating, it was easy to feel complacent in the work routine and lose sight of how much I loved volunteering through service in college whether through Hillel, my fraternity, or the university at large. Since graduating, volunteering has become important to me because it keeps me positively engaged with the community.

Tell us more about finding community through service.

It can be really tough to navigate after leaving the structure of school and entering the real world. Diving back into service and volunteering efforts gave me some really positive direction in terms of how I want to spend my time and who I want to spend my time with.

Max Grad Feed 2019 - KAM Isaiah Israel

Tell us more about volunteering at KAM Isaiah? 

Volunteering at KAM Isaiah Israel was a lot of fun last year. I enjoyed having a personal connection to the site as it is located in Hyde Park and is one of the oldest reform Jewish congregations in the city of Chicago. At the site, we were in charge of maintaining and harvesting some of the crops in the community garden right outside of the synagogue. Once we had gathered the crops, we then went around to a few distribution sites around Hyde Park and Woodlawn to drop off the fruits and veggies to be used by the local community. Excited to be going back this year with some friends of mine!

Sunday September 22nd is 1 day with 11 projects and 100+ volunteers all through the Young Leadership Division (YLD) & Tikkun Olam Volunteer Network (TOV)

*This event is for young adults between the ages of 22-40ish


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Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca creates best practices and executes marketing campaigns for Jewish organizations who are trying to reach the next generation of the Jewish community - specifically Millennials and Gen Z - through digital marketing, social media, online and in-person events.

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