Meet Jewish Person of the Week Daniel Aschheim

Daniel Aschheim chitribe jewish person of the week

Where did you grow up? 

I grew up in Jerusalem, Israel (with one year as a freshman in high school in Madison, WI-my Midwestern experience). Go Badgers!

What did you do Jewish growing up? 

I lived in Israel, escorted Birthright trips as a soldier, worked in various Jewish organizations – the Jewish Agency, Masa Israel Journey, I went on a Jewish Summer Camp in Canada and worked to strengthen the bond between Israelis and Jews around the world.

Daniel Aschheim chitribe jewish person of the week

What do you do Jewish now? 

I represent the Jewish state as a diplomat around the world.

Where did you go to school? 

I completed my BA in the IDC Herzliya, my MA at the Hebrew University (where I am completing my PhD these days…)

What do you for work?

 I am the Consul for Public Diplomacy at the Israeli Consulate General to the Midwest, based here in Chicago. My job is to connect Israel to the Midwest and connect the Midwest to Israel. Israel is the home for all Jews around the world – we will always be there for you. 

What do you do for fun/to relax? 

I love traveling with my wife Elisa, our baby Ella and our dog Tommi to exotic places around the world. These days, we need to settle with traveling through Zoom…But hopefully soon this Pandemic will be behind us! 

Daniel Aschheim chitribe jewish person of the week

In non-pandemic times: What is your favorite Jewish Chicago event? 

The Israeli Film Festival! 

How do you stay motivated during the Pandemic?  

First, and most importantly, my baby Ella was born in Jerusalem today, six months ago, in the midst of the Pandemic. This brought light to our extended family. Second, I arrived exactly four months ago in Chicago, after serving 2 years as the Deputy Israeli Ambassador to Senegal, West Africa.

Despite the Pandemic, we received a truly warm (although virtual) welcome – what made me realize that people are eager to continue developing inter-personal relations, also in the darkest times. Third, Israel signed historical peace agreements with the UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan! 

Daniel Aschheim chitribe jewish person of the week

Favorite takeout spot during the Pandemic? 

As a Diplomat, I need to stay neutral on this matter, but I will admit that it has been very hard to resist a morning Stan’s Donut…  

Best virtual resource for people working from home? 

Wikipedia, no doubt about it. Use your free time to explore our amazing world…

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Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca creates best practices and executes marketing campaigns for Jewish organizations who are trying to reach the next generation of the Jewish community - specifically Millennials and Gen Z - through digital marketing, social media, online and in-person events.

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