Apply for Honeymoon Israel Chicago

Honeymoon Israel Chicago is Open for Applicants

Upcoming Chicago Trip Dates: August 31-September 10, 2023; November 30-December 10, 2023

Honeymoon Israel is currently accepting applications for their next two Chicago trips (August 31-Sept 10, 2023 and November 30-Dec 10,2023). The application deadline is February 16. The Honeymoon Israel experience has a lasting impact on the individual, couples, families, and community. HMI Chicago is made possible thanks to the generosity of our local funders, Crown Family Philanthropies, Jack and Goldie Wolfe Miller Fund, Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago, The Seigle Family, and national funders.

At Honeymoon Israel (HMI), we’re here to connect young couples who want to bring Jewish life into their homes in a personal, meaningful way. What begins with a nine day trip to Israel becomes a community that lasts a lifetime.

Honeymoon Israel Website

HMI Chicago: It’s About the Journey

Who is HMI for?

Taken from the HMI Website

HMI is open to couples of all cultural, racial, religious, gender, and sexual identities who are looking to create connections with each other and to Jewish life. HMI is geared toward couples with at least one Jewish partner, between the ages of 25 and 40, and who are within the first five years of marriage or early in their lifelong committed partnership. Before you apply, please make sure you meet our Eligibility Requirements on the next tab.  

Our goal for each trip is to build cohorts that are reflective of the community, including couples with interfaith, Jewish, Jewish by choice, and multi-racial backgrounds. All couples will be based in the same metro area to enhance community-building during and after the trip. HMI is most powerful and impactful for couples who have yet to find a strong connection to the Jewish community or Jewish life and are searching for the right ways to incorporate Judaism into their relationship, family, and home.

Honeymoon Israel trip eligibility

  • At least one partner must be Jewish.
    We define that broadly, such as one Jewish parent or grandparent.
  • You must be a resident of the geographic catchment area in the city the trip is based.
    Trips are organized locally, so you’ll be traveling with other couples from your community.
  • Couples should be committed and/or married life partners between the ages of 25-40.
    At least one partner must be between 25-40 at the time of the trip and neither partner over 45 years old.
  • If married, couples must be within the first five years of marriage or very close to it.
  • At least one partner must have no prior organized Israel travel experience on a post high school Jewish peer trip.
    i.e. if both partners have been on Birthright or a MASA program, the couple is ineligible.

Contact HMI Chicago for More

Emily Achler, Director of Community Engagement – Chicago | 847.687.9367

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Honeymoon Israel Chicago

Honeymoon Israel Chicago

At Honeymoon Israel (HMI), we’re here to connect young couples who want to bring Jewish life into their homes in a personal, meaningful way. What begins with a nine day trip to Israel becomes a community that lasts a lifetime.

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