ChiTribe Business of the Month AT3DPrints: Meet Aaron Tarragano

ChiTribe Business of the Month AT3DPrints: Meet Aaron Tarragano chitribe

Meet ChiTribe Suburban Volunteer and Excellent Human Aaron Tarragano

Meet Aaron Tarragano, ChiTribe in the burbs leader and owner of AT3DPrints. AT3DPrints was launched in 2020 as a customizable gift shop. AT3DPrints offers 3D printed gifts that are great for any occasion. Aaron designs and prints customizable picture lanterns, nightlights, makeup brush holders, golf ball stencils and so much more! 

ChiTribe Business of the Month AT3DPrints: Meet Aaron Tarragano chitribe

What is the name of your business and what do you do?

Introducing AT3DPrints! Aaron is the owner of this fantastic 3D printing gift shop on Etsy. Order now>>

Where are you from?

Buffalo Grove, IL

What did you do Jewish growing up?

Growing up, I went to Hebrew school and went to shul with family on Shabbos and High Holidays. As a family we would have Shabbos dinner together on Friday nights and we still do to this day!

What do you do for fun? 

There are so many things I love to do for fun but, it depends on the season. In Fall, Spring and Summer I love to play disc golf with friends and explore nature trails. In winter, I spend my time 3D printing and thinking of new designs to 3D print for my business.

When did you start your business?

I started my Etsy business in 2020 and as time went on, I created newer designs and gained momentum. My dad helped me launch my Etsy shop; he was key a part in helping me move forward to turn my passion into a successful business.

Where is your business located? 

AT3DPrints is located in my apartment where I have two 3D printers.

What products does your business offer?

AT3DPrints offers 3D printed gifts that are great for any occasion. Aaron designs and prints customizable picture lanterns, nightlights, makeup brush holders, golf ball stencils and so much more! 

What are your goals for your business?

I would love share my passion of 3D printing around the world. I would love to ship to every state in the United States and to continue to grow my business and achieve new heights!

Order AT3DPrints on the Etsy Store

Any additional questions? E-mail Aaron at

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Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca creates best practices and executes marketing campaigns for Jewish organizations who are trying to reach the next generation of the Jewish community - specifically Millennials and Gen Z - through digital marketing, social media, online and in-person events.

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