?Chicago Sweethearts on Honeymoon Israel Part 1 ?

Honeymoon Israel Trip Sweethearts Part 1

?Chicago Sweethearts ?

To help promote the next application cycle of Honeymoon Israel coming this February, ChiTribe discovers more about and the “meet cutes” of some recent participants. Explore Israel in luxury with the one you love! Travel with other young couples from the Chicagoland area on an all inclusive trip for only $2,200 per couple. This unique experience is open to all eligible couples with at least one Jewish partner. Interfaith, LGBTQ, couples of color, Jews by choice, and Jewish couples pursuing more meaningful Jewish engagement are strongly encouraged to apply. Applications for Chicago trips in September and December 2019 are open from February 12-March 25th.

Couples Featured:
❤️Rosemary and Robert Knapel 
❤️Geoffrey Bleeker Mudd and Gabriel Mudd
❤️Alyse Liebovich and Jerry Oswalt

Created by: Nat Torn and ChiTribe

ChiTribe makes it simple to discover and navigate Jewish events and organizations in Chicago and help all different types of Jews find their tribe-within-a-tribe. 

Applications for Chicago trips in September and December 2019 are open from February 12-March 25th. Visit www.honeymoonisrael.org


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Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca creates best practices and executes marketing campaigns for Jewish organizations who are trying to reach the next generation of the Jewish community - specifically Millennials and Gen Z - through digital marketing, social media, online and in-person events.

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