Official ChiTribe Response to Antisemitic Online Attacks

chitribe offiical antisemitism response

March 30, 2020, 10pm

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This Monday evening, ChiTribe hosted our weekly virtual game night via Zoom with an open room code for the third week in a row. Tonight, immediately after opening the room with our community members, an unknown participant joined the call. This participant invited others and took control of the screen virtually in an antisemitic attempt to disarm and offend the members of ChiTribe game night. Profane images were posted and the unknown participants shouted offensive and antisemitic profanities. 

The ChiTribe host team immediately recognized we could not proceed as planned and within seconds shut down the room, but not our game night. Moments after, we went Live on Facebook to explain the situation and solved the problem while addressing our community. See this response here. Within 5 minutes we were able to restart our game night in a secured room for our community, giving access to everyone who wanted to join using a code distributed personally across social media, email, and our online resources. Within 5 minutes the games had begun. 

  • Make sure to only enable share screen video access to the HOST before allowing anyone else into your video calls
  • We advise you to have a password-protected virtual room that only those approved can enter
  • Stay positive and keep going. Never let one negative experience stop you from bringing joy, companionship, and community to the world, especially during this time. This experience was not the first and will not be the last. 

Please contact Rebecca Schwab, for more information on how to secure your events and or any other information regarding ChiTribe’s response and protocol moving forward. To those who joined us for the rest of game night tonight: thank you. Thank you for joining us, and contributing to this community. We’ll see you next week at 8 pm CDT.  New link coming soon!

During this time of social-distancing, all Jewish organizations are more exposed than ever to online Anti-Semitism. We must work as a community, grow, and learn together.  To all other Jewish organizations out there, we urge you to be careful when using online resources and video conferencing services. 

Thank You,

Stay Safe, Stay Home, Stay Connected, Chicago.

Find Your Tribe.

Kol Tov,

Rebecca Joey Schwab

ChiTribe Executive Director


ChiTribe is a technologically focused organization and we have already addressed the issue with our security. We want to make sure all Jewish organizations understand the important aspects of Zoom and how to ensure your community is secure virtually.

Find all Jewish Events Securely on the ChiTribe Calendar

Get involved in ChiTribe Game Nights Here

Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca Schwab

Rebecca creates best practices and executes marketing campaigns for Jewish organizations who are trying to reach the next generation of the Jewish community - specifically Millennials and Gen Z - through digital marketing, social media, online and in-person events.

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