Socially-Distanced Shofars 2021 Guide

Socially Distanced Shofars chitribe chicago

Happy New Year 5782, Chicago! From Shofar blowing to all the Rosh HaShanah services in the city, find your holiday experience on the ChiTribe Holiday Guide. Find everything for Yom Kippur and Kol Nidre! Make this new year sweeter with ChiTribe’s High Holiday Recipes 2021! This year due to rising COVID numbers, ChiTribe will be updating this guide as new information is added. Stay updated and Find Your Tribe.

Shofar Schedule Rosh HaShanah 2021 in Chicago

September 7, 2021

12 PM Socially Distanced Shofar With F.R.E.E Of Chicago – September 7 @ 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM

1:30 PM Shofar in the Street with Chabad of East Lakeview Outside Chabad – 615 W Wellington Ave 1:30 PM-2:00 PM

3:00 pm Shofar in the Street with Chabad of East Lakeview at Wellington & Lakeshore (Across Brookdale )

4:00 PM Shofar With Chabad At Loyola University – September 7 @ 4:00 PM – 4:30 PM

5:00 PM Shofar on the Plaza with Lincoln Park Chabad and Lincoln Common – September 7th @ 5:00 PM – 5:30 PM

5:30pm Shofar in the Park with Chabad of South Loop at Chicago Women’s Park – September 7 @ 5:30pm

5:00 PM Shofar And Tashlich At Foster Beach – September 7 @ 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM

5:45 PM Shofar service at Tashlich with Lakeview Chabad– at ‘Boat Park Playground’ by Roscoe & the Lake

September 8, 2021

Shofar in the Street with Lakeview Chabad on September 8th

  • 1:30 pm outside Chabad – 615 W Wellington Ave 
  • 3:00 pm –  Wellington & Lakeshore (Across Brookdale )
  • 5:00 pm – Sheil Park on Southport
  • 5:45 pm –  Gill Park on Broadway and Irving Park
  • 6:15 pm –  Outside of Nettelhorst school on Melrose
  • 7:00 pm Outside Chabad – 615 W Wellington Ave. Last Shofar blowing!

5:30pm – Shofar in the Park with Chabad of South Loop at Chicago Women’s Park – September 8 @ 5:30pm

High Holiday Guide 5782

Find all the High Holiday events and services for celebrating the new Jewish year 5782. Find everything for Rosh HaShanah from Socially distanced shofar blowing to Taschlish in the park to mark the new year 5782. Make Yom Kippur meaningful by choosing your ideal Kol Nidre service from our Kol Nidre Guide. Socially Distanced shofars are throughout Chicago and in this guide. Find every single Sukkot program and Simchat Torah opportunity in this High Holiday Guide. Make delicious Jewish desserts from our favorite recipes from local Chicago organizations and restaurants.

Find your Tribe this High Holiday season in Chicago. Due to COVID and changing restrictions for capacity, all information listed is subject to change. ChiTribe will be constantly adding to this guide with the most updated information. Find all the events on the ChiTribe calendar.

Find all the Rosh HaShanah 2021 Services and Events in Chicago

Find all the Yom Kippur 2020 Services and Events In Chicago

Find all the Jewish Events in Chicago on the ChiTribe Calendar

ChiTribe High Holidays Guide

ChiTribe High Holidays Guide

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